December 9th, 2024


We’ve got the remnant bins ready again, because Friday, December 20, 2024 from 8am to 5pm, is our next one day a month Half-Price Remnants Sale!


Note: Sheet and Plate Scrap Eligible for the Remnant Sale are not usually more than 17″ wide and they’re not usually over 48″ long

Yes, we have acrylic scrap for sale.  Almost all of it is cell-cast acrylic too.  And we have polycarbonate, HDPE, nylon, UHMW, PVC, ABS and many other types of plastic scrap remnants for sale too.

Before Covid, we sold remnants to the public by the pound every day, and then one day a month they would go on sale for half the everyday price. We’ve resumed having the once a month remnant sales but we’re still closed to the public for remnant shopping every other day of the month.

Here’s A Link To a 45 Second Video That You Can Use To See The Sort Of Stuff We Offer At The Half-Price Remnant Sale


Please Join us at our One and Only Louisville location as we Once Again offer you, our Customers, an Opportunity to Obtain Enormous Value on Engineering, Machinable and See-Through Plastic Remnants of sheet, rod and tube.

  • We will be open during the hours of 8am to 5pm.
  • No Minimum Purchase Amount is Required for this Sale.
  • Fax and e-mail requests will not be accepted this month.
  • Please join us at our one and only Louisville location as we Once Again offer You our Customers, an Opportunity to Obtain Enormous Value on Engineering, Machinable and See-Through Plastic Remnants of sheet, rod and tube..

Our monthly Half Price Remnant Sale is normally on the Fourth Friday of each month, but in November and December we usually need to move it to the Third Friday of the month, because of Thanksgiving and Christmas.