A knowledgeable and skilled team providing quality craftsmanship and products at any scale for a competitve price since 1969. Serving the needs of manufacturing, construction and hobbyists alike in Colorado and beyond with superior customer service.
Colorado Plastic Products is a full-service wholesale distributor of plastic sheet, rod, and tube. We sell to wholesale and retail customers, while offering our material to be cut-to-size in shop. We are also a custom fabricator of sheet, rod and tube plastic for all industries and market segments.
We’ve made everything from acrylic museum display cases, polycarb safety shields, polypropylene welded water tanks to many other delrin prototyped parts. We build anything from art to aerospace and from prototype to production. We look forward to help meet your plastic needs.
Serving a wide range of customers, including industry and hobbyists, we are also a leader in the plastics industry.
Request a QuoteWe’re only open for remnant shopping one day a month.
Dorothy and Al Hanson have been buying blanks of 3/4″ thick clear acrylic to use for a very novel art… Read more »
Sheet grade polycarbonate (aka Lexan or Makrolon) and acrylic sheet (aka Lucite) are two of the most frequently used see-through… Read more »
Note: Sheet and Plate Scrap Eligible for the Remnant Sale are not usually more than 17″ wide and they’re not… Read more »
The window for this goat’s view is made unbreakable, and thermally insulated, with Gallina brand multi-wall polycarbonate sheet. Sometimes people… Read more »
Since the Covid pandemic, we only sell plastic remnants on 4th Fridays here at Colorado Plastics. The price that we… Read more »
We sell twin wall, and multi-wall, polycarbonate sheet here in Boulder County, Colorado. Twin wall polycarbonate is a popular building… Read more »
How much does Delrin weigh?
Happy Holidays from Colorado Plastic Products. We are grateful for your business and continued support in 2023. Merry Christmas and… Read more »
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Learn more about the industry segments served by Colorado Plastics below.
Alternative Energy
Building & Construction
Fluid Handling
Food & Beverage
Heavy Equipment
Life Sciences
Material Handling
MRO Manufacturing
Oil & Gas
Sign & Visual
Water & Waste Water
Thanks to plastics, the A380 burns fuel per passenger at a rate comparable to that of an economical family car.
More and more agricultural products, including thousands of acres of thin mulch lm, which are used to produce high quality vegetables, are being recycled into “plastic wood” and numerous other secondary products, keeping those materials out of landfills, creating demand for recycling plants and making farms more sustainable.
Wood, the most renewable and available alter- native energy source, emits roughly the same amount of carbon when burnt as it would if it decayed naturally.
More than 50 percent of a typical car is composed of plastics and polymer composites, but those materials account for only approximately 10 percent of vehicle weight.
Advantages May Include
Polycarbonate has an impact strength that is 100 times stronger than glass and 20 times stronger than acrylic.
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Thermoplastics are available that are 100 percent inert to corrosive chemicals across the en re pH range, enabling processors and equipment manufacturers alike to avoid corrosion and contamination, while significantly cutting cost, weight and maintenance.
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The first synthetic plastic developed for the electrical/electronics industry, Bakelite, was created to replace Shellac, a resin secreted by the female lac bug in India and Thailand.
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In just one year, one IAPD member company’s environmental savings were the equivalent of the annual greenhouse emissions of nearly 500 passenger cars.
Advantages May Include
The original Hula Hoop was simply a hollow plastic tube; variations are made with ball bearings, bells or other noise makers inside the tube. While the toy itself could not be patented because of its ancient origins, the plastic used to make it is patented.
Advantages May Include
Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE, most commonly known by the DuPont tradename Teflon®), one of the first plastics used in food processing, was discovered by accident. The DuPont engineers were experimenting with TFE as a new refrigerant, but when the gas was stored in cylinders it polymertized into PTFE resin!
Groundwater is the primary source for more than 80 percent of the community drinking water systems in the United States (US EPA 1994). The use of self-lubricating engineering plastic wear parts can reduce or eliminate lubricant “wash-out” in heavy equipment bearing applications, greatly reducing non-point source pollution which seeps into the groundwater. One gallon of re ned oil products can contaminate 100,000 gallons of groundwater.
Describing the surgery to implant the first artificial human heart, surgeon William Devries, said the new heart snapped into place “just like closing Tupperware.”
In the last 20 years, the combined usage of the top 10 consumers of paper has increased from 92 million tons to 208 million tons, a growth of 126 per- cent. The proliferation of computers doesn’t mean we’re going paperless.
In Canada, fishing is more popular than golf and tennis combined, according to the Canadian Safe Boating Council.
Transport of material via conveyor belt dates back to 1795, when belts were made of leather and used to transport grain very short distances. To- day, the longest single conveyor belt in the world is used in the phosphate mines of the western Sa- hara. It measures 60 miles in length!
In the high performance medical device market, the goal is to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars per patient treated, not a few cents per device manufactured.
Enormous volumes of fresh air are required in large and deep metal mines to provide safe work- ing condi ons for workers and their equipment. At some Canadian mines, up to 1,200 cubic meters (42,377.6 cubic feet) of air is supplied every second.
Enormous volumes of fresh air are required in large and deep metal mines to provide safe working conditions for workers and their equipment. At some Canadian mines, up to 1,200 cubic meters (42,377.6 cubic feet) of air is supplied every second.
Even small percentage efficiencies gained by re- placing metallic labyrinth turbocompressor seals with abradable or wear resistant polymeric seals can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in increased production.
Plastics are the leading materials used in pharmaceutical packaging based on the breadth of applications for which they are suitable, their cost effectiveness and their favorable barrier and aesthetic properties.
Americans spend more than $4 billion annually at amusement parks, with roller coasters being the largest attraction.
If a single store replaced its shelves with 10,000 pounds of PETG copolyester shelving, the energy saved could power five homes or take 3.3 cars to the road every year.
The window laminate that protects the President’s limousine can withstand a 50 caliber bullet. New building codes require security-type laminated windows in areas prone to tornadoes and hurricanes. The plastic laminate structure works by converting kinetic energy into heat energy, allowing it to bend without shattering.
The precision of new silicon chips is beyond belief. Imagine dropping a ball through a straw only a few microns larger than the ball without touching the sides of the straw — from the height of a 40 story building!
Trains, buses, trucks, boats and RVs are lighter weight, more durable, safer and more comfortable thanks to plastics. In both aesthetic and structural / bearing applications, plastics help you travel further for less money.
Polycarbonate and acrylic glazing weighs half that of glass of the same thickness and can have up to 30 times the impact strength. Plastic composite panels in Swiss trains has led to a 25 percent reduction in weight, leading to significant energy savings.
Plastics have been instrumental in reclaiming waste water into safe water for more than seven decades. Plastics are also being put to work anywhere there’s a need for durable, long-lasting, maintenance-free water transport systems.
On average, the water footprint of an American is 32,911 glasses a day, or 751,777 gallons per year. Of that amount, 96 percent is used to grow food, make clothing and generate energy.
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