Recently we got a call from Jo Evans in the props department of Cirque de Soleil’s Denver production of their show called Kurios. Jo was wondering if Colorado Plastics might be able to square up the edges on some clear plastic cylinders. These cylinders get used by an acrobat who balances on a stack of them about 60 feet up in the air.
As you can see in the photo, it is quite important that the edges of each cylinder be perfectly flat and that the flat edge be at an exactly 90 degree angle to the round sides. Jan told us that she needed our help because the acrobat felt that some of edges were wearing down unevenly. This was making it harder for him to solidly balance himself on top of the stack.
Normally Cirque du Soleil would send the parts back to their workshop in Montreal. But since the show was taking place in Denver they were interested in saving some time on this repair project. We looked at the cylinders and decided that we could do the work.
We carefully trimmed the “unsquare edges” to make them perfectly flat again. Jan and the Kurios performers were pleased with our work. They weren’t delayed. And the show did go on.