In my last blog post, I published a list of our remnant prices for many of the different plastic materials that we sell. The list shows $/lb. But in order to know the remnant price for a particular size and thickness of a particular type of plastic you need to know the weight per square foot. Don’t forget we only do our Remnant Sale one day a month and this is the only time we allow customers to come in without an appointment.
Note: Sheet and Plate Scrap Eligible for the Remnant Sale are not usually more than 17″ wide and they’re not usually over 48″ long
Here’s a table of the different types of plastic sheet or plate that we most commonly sell:

Each column shows the weight, in pounds, for a square foot of the particular plastic listed in each row.
And even though we don’t sell rod remnants by the pound, it is sometimes useful to know how much plastic rods weigh, by the running foot, for freight and shipping purposes.
So here’s also a list of the different types of plastic rod that most commonly sell:

Each column on this table shows the weight, in pounds, for a running foot of the plastic listed in each row.